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Why does eye makeup always smudge?

One of the biggest nightmares that I have personally experienced with make up is smudged eye makeup.  It's not only embarrassing walking around with this type of makeup but it makes it seem like...

Why Is Skincare Important For Makeup?

When it comes to skin care many people do not think that it's NOT essential before applying makeup. Skin care can change the way your overall makeup look looks. Having a good skincare regime not...

Why Does My Makeup Break Up On My Face?

When it comes to applying makeup on your face the pet peeve of mine is looking into a mirror later on in the day, only to find that the foundation has begun to separate.  It makes your skin look...

How To Make My Blush Stay All Day

Blush is one of those makeup items that all us women have in our makeup bags. This is the one product that is a must-have because it helps the complexion look more healthy and gives the skin a flush...

Why Do My Pores Look Bigger With Makeup?

There is nothing worse than applying make up and finding out that your makeup looks like a nightmare.  Having pores that have been accentuated is probably one of the worst makeup looks to have,...