How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes And Stop Looking Like A Panda Bear

I was talking to a friend of mine and she was telling me about her having problems with having dark circles under her eyes.  She was telling me she gets them especially when she sleeps late at night or when she is really tired.

The thing is it’s not uncommon for all of us to get dark circles under our eyes, especially when we have late nights, or out of being tired.  But sometimes you can get dark circles because your dehydrated or even believe it or not your diet has a big impact on your health.  Water is the essential part of your diet and it plays a vital role in your skin condition and with keeping it healthy.  If you follow a healthy diet with alot of water in there your already solving one problem to having those dark circles under your eyes disappear.  Keep reading this guide on how to get rid of those dark circles under your eyes.  


Let me explain to you that this article is about getting rid of those dark circles, using different creams, a change of diet if you need to, using colour correcting on a temporary basis.

How Do You Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Most people don’t realize it but having a balanced diet plays a huge role in how our skin looks. This means having a lot of water in our diet to help keep our skin hydrated along with having the correct vitamins such as vitamin K which is known to help with blood circulation. Vitamin E is also another key factor which is good to include in your diet because its full of antioxidants which keep skin looking healthy.

Water not only hydrates the skin its also a key factor that can help detox toxins out of our system it helps remove all the toxins out of our skin which clears the skin and restores the skins natural glow.  For example, if we had a late night and consumed a lot of alcohol drinking we notice a puffiness and dark circles scan slowly by hydrating the body we are able to flush out toxins and the skin slowly resorts to its natural state bringing the skins natural glow back.  It’s always best to drink warm water in the mornings for the best to drink warm water in the mornings for best results. I personally like to drink warm water with lemon which has many benefits including hydrating the body and having clear glowing skin.


How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Another key factor is getting the proper amount of rest.  For myself personally, I found that lack of sleep causes dark circles. Lack of sleep tends to cause the blood vessels under the eyes and the skin being too thin which then dilates it and creates a dark tint.  Therefore, it is important to get enough sleep every night if possible.


Home Remedies For Dark Circle

Now that the health benefits are covered a remedy that really works well for me is Almond Oil.  Not only does it work as a moisturizer and helps hydrate the skin it works well as an under eye treatment.  The formulation doesn’t clog pores it has natural bleaching agents that help brighten the under eye area. This would also be ideal for people who have sensitive skin you just need to be careful not to get it into the eyes which it can cause irritation.  I have laid out the steps as to how I use almond oil for under eye dark circles.

First Step

cleanse skin

Second Step

place a few drops of almond oil on a cotton ball and dab into under eye area

This works well overnight. The reason this works well overnight is that our skin naturally repairs itself during the nighttime while we are asleep.


How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes



What Eye Cream Is Best For Dark Circles

Another new essential oil that I have been trying out is organic rosehip oil. I usually use this after a nice face mask.  It’s a dry oil that is high in antioxidants and fatty acids. It’s usually harvested from the seeds of rose bushes the antioxidants and fatty acids that can help correct dark spots on the skin along with hydrating the skin, reduces fine lines and helps with scarring. It carries vitamin A, B, C, D and E which are known to help fight free radicles.  For myself personally, I found this work again during the night time.  I have noticed my skin to be brighter around the eyes in the morning.  This particular product still needs to be tested out for a good two weeks to give an honest opinion as to how effective it is.  The following is how I personally use rosehip oil for my under eye circles.

First Step

cleanse skin

Second Step

take 2-3 drops of rosehip oil and place it on your clean fingertip and gently dab it around the under eye area.


What Is The Best Eye Cream For Dark Circles

The holy grail product I use is Estee Lauder’s Advanced Night Repair eye cream.  I’ve been using this product since I worked behind the beauty counter and found this to be very effective on my skin. Estee Lauder Advanced  Night Repair is an eye cream that targets more than one skin concerns around the eye area. This eye treatment tackles dark circles, dullness, dryness, puffiness, fine lines and any visible signs of aging. During my time working with the Estee Lauder counter, I found that this eye gel cream was one of the most popular due to its various purposes.  Due to its popular demand, I knew I had to try it out for myself because I was showing a few signs of fine lines and dark circles.

Why Do We Need To Use An Eye Cream

When I was working multiple jobs sleep was a difficult thing to have on my schedule.  I had dark circles that were appearing around my eyes along with puffiness and fine lines.  I found that this eye gel-cream didn’t take me long to see results.  Its soothing cool effects and formulation didn’t take long to sink into my skin around my eyes.


How To Use An Eye Cream

Since I use Estee Lauders Advanced Night Repair Eye Cream I use this eye cream twice a day for about two weeks in order to see real results. It has Chronolux CB technology which uses the night time to help repair the skin because this is the time of the day where our skin rejuvenates from daytime pollutants. This eye cream works well mixed with Estee Lauders Double Wear Stay in Place Flawless Wear Concealer.  It melts in well with concealer and any kind of makeup, therefore, making it easy using it with the AM hours.  With this eye gel cream, I would use three dots on one cleansed eye and would gently use my fingers to rub it into the cleansed skin during the night and morning hours. I started to really see results in the morning the most my skin started to brighten up and plump up due to intense hydration with this eye gel cream. The other thing I found amazing was that my pores around my eyes were not clogged with this hydration.


How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes



How Do We Get Started

AM Hours

  • Cleanse skin
  • Use Three dots of Advanced Night Repair Synchronized II on the cleansed eye area
  • Use any concealer on top of the skin or mix in with Double Wear Stay in Place Flawless Wear Concealer.
  • Rub into the eye area until products sink into the skin

PM Hours

  • Cleanse Skin
  • Use Three dots of Advanced Night Repair Synchronized II on the cleansed eye area
  • Rub into skin gently until the Gel Cream sinks into the skin

Step 1:  Apply the advanced night repair synchronized II on the cleansed skin

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes


Step 2:  Pat the advanced night repair synchronized II into the skin around the eye

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes



What Is Color Correcting?

Color correcting is a way to correct dark circles temporary. It’s most effective during photography  Color correctors usually come in a concealer formulation and come in colors such as red, orange, yellow, purple, salmon pink and green.  Using the same color wheel we use during high school art class taught us what colors compliment and can cancel each other out.  The color collective is very efficient because it can prevent your under eye circles look ashy if not considered.  When combined with your daily foundation you would want your foundation to look flawless and natural and not look like your covering under eye circles.   The purpose of the color correction with makeup is to make your makeup look flawless and to be a smooth canvass. For example, the color green cancels out red and neutralizes when both colors are combined when you put your foundation on top of the green concealer any redness that your skin would have would be neutralized and then your complexion becomes one color.


How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes


What Is The Best Color Of Concealer For Dark Circles?

To prevent under eye circles to look ashy it is best to use certain colors to help neutralize dark circle depending on the pigmentation your under eye circles have.  The color wheel is the best way to determine how to cancel out the right color of pigmentation on the skin.  These colored concealers come in green, orange-yellow, purple, peach and salmon pink.  These concealers are best used under foundation. A great makeup tip is to use a makeup sponges to apply foundation on top of the color correcting concealer.   The following is the color correcting techniques that are best for certain skin tones and various pigmentation associated with dark circles:

Green is known to help cancel out redness in the skin.  It would be best to use for broken capillaries.

Pink/Salmon/Peach:  helps with dullness which is ideal for fair skin tones epically those who have blue veins or undertones

Yellow: is best for dullness it works well with olive skin tones. Yellow can be used to cover up blemishes that are purple or any kinds of bruises.

Purple: is good for getting rid of any yellow pigmentation to the skin. Sometimes around the eyes, there is a slight pigmentation of yellow this would be an excellent concealer to help cover it up.

Orange/Red: helps olive to dark skin tones cancel and hide dark circles.


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