How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Your Face

When I was younger I used to have a really bad case of acne or put simply alot of pimples on my face.  It was embarrassing as I was not exactly the kid with a clean face back then.

I used to get new pimples appearing nearly every other week, which really brought my self-esteem down about myself.  As time went on and I got older I began to look around for products that would help me with my pimple problems.  I brought many products and tried them out, what I found that really worked were tea tree oil and home remedies.  It was only when I spoke to a few friends and researched myself and did some reading I found that home remedies really worked well, and the pimples disappeared overtime and using certain products can help reduce if not get rid of the pimples overnight.

I have written up this article to help you with some home remedies for getting rid of your pimples and other products that can certainly help get rid of those pimples.

What Causes Acne?

The main reason for us to get acne on our face is because the pores on our face blocked with excess oil, dead skin cells or bacteria.  Each pore on your face contains a follicle. The follicle has hair and sebaceous (oils) gland which may cause acne with either too much oil being secreted.

There are some factors that can trigger pimples to come up on the skin such as hormonal imbalances, bacteria build up, products that clog the pores, and sometimes even diet. It’s important to keep a mental note of what may cause acne.


How Can I Prevent Pimples?

Its always good to wash your face daily. Sometimes using the wrong type of face cleanser can either irritate the skin or make the acne worse.  Its always good to avoid cleansers with alcohol.   One thing I noticed during my time working behind the beauty counter was many people didn’t pay attention to cleansers that were suitable for their skin types.


Exercise can also be a good tip when it comes to preventing acne because when we exercise our body secretes various hormones and can balance the hormones in our body which can help prevent further acne from turning up.

Our diet can also play a key factor in how our skin behaves when it comes to acne sometimes foods we consume.   This all varies because our bodies are all different. It’s best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and have plenty of water which helps detox the skin.

When it comes to beauty products I found that many can be a hit or miss for my skin type. Sometimes chemicals can clog the pores on my skin and this is where I would have to discontinue any product that does this.

Lastly, its always good to keep in mind a good exfoliator for exfoliating the skin. Since we know dead skin cells can also cause acne its good to exfoliate the skin gently at least 1- 2 times a week.


Is Tea Tree Oil Good For Acne Prone Skin?

Tea Tree oil is a natural way of targeting acne on the skin. It has antibacterial properties that help dry out pimples. Tea tree oil can also be used as an antiseptic to clean wounds on the skin.

I personally found that when it came to Organic tea tree oil it worked well with whiteheads and small pimples on my skin.  Usually, when a pimple comes up on the skin in its early stages I usually apply 1-2 drops of tea tree oil on a Q-tip. I apply the tea tree oil the night before on my cleansed skin and found that in the morning the white head or a small pimple had either disappeared or there was a little bit of a pimple left over. For the most part, the antiseptic properties work well in drying out a pimple.

I got this idea of using  Tea Tree oil while working for The Body Shop they have a whole skin care line dedicated to Tea Tree Oil and found that the 100% Organic Tea tree oil worked well for my skin.  However, when it comes to the bigger pimples with continuous use it slowly does get rid of a pimple.


DIY – How To Get Rid of Acne at Home Without Any chemicals

Did you ever suffer from acne during your teenage years?

I sure did and really disliked the way my skin looked back in those days. It looked either like clear blisters all over my skin which gave my skin an awful texture or was red and irritated with bumps.  Furthermore, I would suffer from acne marks from the acne left behind.

There are many products out that promise a lot of solutions. However, I found I was going through many products hoping that it would just get rid of this terrible acne. I learned through this experience that my skin became so sensitive due to all harsh chemicals that were put in products which destroyed the PH levels in my skin and made it dry and irritated.


How to get rid of pimples on your face



When I used to have bad acne breakouts I during my teenage years I use to go through many products.  A lot of the products back in the day use to either burn my skin and further irritate my acne or just completely strip my skin of any natural oils.  When it came down to it I needed to find a natural remedy that actually worked on my acne. This is where my mom saw me struggle with frustration with products upon products that weren’t helping me and decided to make her own remedy that really did do the trick from getting rid of acne along with the scars that came with it.  I still use this remedy today when I have a break crazy break out every now and then.

I needed an organic product that would get rid of any further acne along with fading away scars. This home remedy seems to get rid or further breakouts, exfoliate the skin, condition the skin and fade away future acne scars.  After using this particular remedy for two weeks I noticed a significant difference in my skins texture and look.  This home remedy is very easy to find in our own kitchen.

The four ingredients  I use are:

A pinch of Turmeric:  which is known for its antibacterial properties which kill bacteria which is coming up on the surface of the skin

2tbl spoons of chickpea flour (Besan): which works well as an exfoliant

3tbl spoons of yogurt: which is known to help condition the skin

1 tablespoon of Lemon juice: which is known to lighten the skin fading away any acne marks.


How to Apply The Home Remedy

  • Cleanse skin with normal cleanser
  • Apply home remedy on the skin in a circular motion
  • Leave on skin for 5 mins
  • Gently rinse off the face
  • Repeat this routine 2 to 3 times a week

How to get rid of pimples on your face


How To Make Your Painful Pimple Vanish

Have you ever had a big painful juicy blemish pop up on your skin out of nowhere?

I am sure we have all experienced this kind of pimples in our lives. It can be such an inconvenience especially when we have somewhere important to go the next day. Sure, we can cover it up with makeup. However, makeup doesn’t change texture in fact In some cases it can irritate where the blemish exists.  The other day I had to get a picture taken for my ID card for work. The night before I was sorting my hair our and saw that I had a huge painful pimple right in the middle of the face right on my nose. This reminded me of those high school moment we all have either heard or experienced during picture day.

This horrible blemish couldn’t come at a worse time. The size and location of this pimple would take time to shrink. In such circumstances, some of us usually pop the blemish when it looks this bad. However, we have to think long-term effects as to what this actually can do to our skin which is cause big pores down the line (which I am trying to avoid).  That same night I decided that I was going to do my weekly face skin care routine which is done 1 to 2 times a week. I had finally got my hands on a clay mask that I heard so much about the Glam Glow  SuperMud  Clearing Treatment Masque I had purchased during the IPSY Beauty Event in Toronto during the summer.  Now was a perfect time to make use of this baby and see if it really got rid of pimples as it claimed. 😊



How to get rid of pimples on your face


As you can see a pimple on my face couldn’t be in a worse spot right in the middle of my face.


Using The Glam Glow To Get Rid Of Your Pimples

During the summer while attending the IPSY beauty event that was held in Toronto I was exposed to many brands including GlamGlow. Right away when approaching the booth I knew exactly what to get which was the Supermud clearing treatment Masque.  I heard so many good reviews about this particular product I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and really test it out for myself.  According to its label, it helps problematic skin, skin imperfections, pore refining, mattifying and clarifying the skin.  The salicylic acid that is contained in the masque is supposed to help with blemishes new to the skin  I also remember the sales representative telling me how this masque is being a great spot treatment. I knew the masque itself lived up to its word with its claims and because I had tried it out a couple times in the past. Now was the perfect time to see how it worked as a spot treatment. The results were mind-blowing for me.

With this product, a little goes a long way. I only used a pea drop sized and rubbed the product on top of my blemish and let the ingredients really sit on top of my skin for about 20 mins as it’s instructed on the label.  When this mask has been applied to my skin I found that the oils beneath my skin started to come up with a mask.   Usually, when this happens I know the mask is detoxing and clearing out any toxins and dirt that lay in the skin.  The scent of the mask isn’t chemically it smells like black licorice which is also an ingredient included in the mask which is known to lighten skin.

When washing off the GlamGlow Supermud Clearing Treatment I couldn’t believe the size of my blemish it was completely zapped.  I was very satisfied with the results. Just to keep my skin from further blemishes I put a drop of Organic Tea Tree oil to get rid of any further blemishes or infections which is also perfect for sensitive skin.

*if you have tried the GlamGlow Supermud Clearing Treatment please check out my other article on “how to get rid of Blemishes” using Tea Tree oil

How to get rid of pimples on your face




How to get rid of pimples on your face



How to get rid of pimples on your face


In the above photo, you can see the oils coming up to the surface with the GlamGlow Masque. This is the masque detoxifying any toxins that lay beneath the skin.


How to get rid of pimples on your face


In the above photo, you can see my pimple wasn’t visible anymore it was diminished with the GlamGlow masque.

How To Use The Glam Glow Masque

  • Cleanse skin
  • Take a pea-sized amount of GlamGlow Clearing Treatment mask and rub it into the blemish
  • Take some Organic Tea Tree oil and put it where the blemish once occurred to prevent any more germs from infecting the skin (optional) *

*if you have tried the GlamGlow Supermud Clearing Treatment please check out my other article on “how to get rid of Blemishes” using Tea Tree oil


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