How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer And Have Smoother Looking Makeup

I came across these adverts for beauty blenders and I had no idea what they were, it wasn’t until I walked into Sephora and checked the product out and saw what you could do with it that I bought one and realized how much of a good blender it was.

How to make a beauty blender softer? when you use a makeup brush to apply foundation on your face, there tends to be a streak left behind on your face by the brush.  When you use the beauty blender it blends the foundation in so well that the streaks become non-existent, instead, you get a smooth flawless finish.

The beauty blender is one tool that every makeup artist and general women should own to really help apply your makeup without any streaks.  If you were to use the blender straight from the package it just acts as a sponge, but the moment you add some water to the blender the texture changes on the blender which makes it more softer.  So when you do apply the makeup it makes a huge difference.

This post will explain more about the beauty blender which I personally feel is a product that is definitely worth using or have it amongst your tools.

Do you have to get a Beauty Blender?

The wet beauty blender thins out make up so that the application blends out more smoothly and evenly. Having a wet sponge on set for makeup artists is what brought this idea of beauty blenders to life today.

Beauty Blending sponges are one of the common makeup tools in most women’s makeup bags today. I was a bit skeptical about it myself because I was trying to justify the price.  Since I started testing out multiple beauty blending sponges I defiantly noticed a difference in my make up application.  As a side note, I wrote a review of the different beauty blenders for applying your makeup which you can find here. 

I never realized that the texture and the shape of a makeup sponge would make a big difference in how my makeup was applied.  The key to most beauty blending sponges is having to soak the beauty blending sponger under whatever for the texture of the sponge to grow in size. The water changes the texture of the beauty blending sponge making it a lot softer.

The shape of beauty blending sponges is usually an egg shape. The egg-shaped sponges cover a larger surface of the skin than your traditional makeup sponges.  The pointed part of the beauty blending sponges helps cover narrow parts of my face like under my eyes and the side of your nose.

When I first started learning about the application of makeup I was taught with normal traditional brushes makeup brushes. There had been many times where I saw my make up looking streaky on my face because of the makeup brushes (uneven application). The way the beauty blending sponges work is by the sponge being wet it thins out makeup products with the moisture. During application, it absorbs a bit of the product which helps control the distribution of the product.

Therefore, giving my skin light to medium coverage and if I generally want a heavier coverage of product I would build on it with more than one layer of product.  In general, you would apply the product in the face with a bouncing motion which presses the product into the skin evenly. This also helps the skin look more glowing and dewy with a foundation.

The bouncing motion also keeps my make up in a place without it moving around. I sometimes roll out the action with the beauty blending sponges so that product can help fill pores.  Lastly, because of the texture of beauty blending sponges, it can make a big difference with certain formulations of makeup products. So that foundation you hate that doesn’t like to stay put on your face properly the beauty blending sponges can actually help with that!

Another good use of beauty blending sponges is for everyday skincare routines. Since the beauty blending sponges are known to press the product into the skin it’s a good way to get the product to really get skin care products like your daily moisturizer to sink into the skin. I personally don’t always do this step because I find I go through my moisturizer quicker.  However, it is something worth trying.

Lastly, another great use of the beauty blending sponges is it works well with “Baking.” Baking makeup is a way to get your concealer and foundation to blend into one. So after applying foundation and makeup to the face you would take the same beauty blending sponge and dip it into the translucent powder and dab it under the eyes and wherever concealer and foundation need to be melted together.

The Beauty blending sponges pick up a good amount of product to go on the skin. Once your body heat uses the translucent powder to melt the rest of the concealer and foundation into the face you would sweep it off. This is a very common trick way of making your make up look flawless

How to make a Beauty Blender Squishy/Softer

The way to use your Beauty Blender squishy is exactly as is instructed with the instructions that come with your Beauty Blender. Run it under water and start squeezing it in your hands until it expands.  Rinse it a few times in your hand.  You will find that it expands almost twice its original size.  At this point, it is ready to use and its texture should be nicely soft and squishy.

If the Beauty Blender is not wet it never works well, in fact, the makeup products won’t blend as nicely on the skin.   I found one of my beauty blending sponges just absorbed more product.

Step 1: Soak it in a bowl of water

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 2: Rinse it a few times in your hand

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Below is the beauty blender before it expanded

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Below is an image of the beauty blender after it had expanded with water

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Do you have to wash your Beauty Blender after every use?

It would be ideal to wash your Beauty Blender after every use.  The reason being is because it’s not like brushes that you can leave there after a couple of uses.  Because the beauty blending blender is a sponge its prone to having bacteria grow it faster from the oils and makeup that it absorbed from makeup application. I personally find that when I don’t wash it after two uses my skin does break out.

The beauty blender is always moist after every use which is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to multiply. Therefore, if your skin is sensitive it would be wise to wash after every use. It’s also important to wash the beauty blender sponges with antibacterial soaps and to leave in a well-ventilated area to dry. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BEAUTY BLENDER TO DRY IN ITS ORIGINAL CONTAINER.

How often do you have to replace your Beauty Blender?

I found that with consistent use of the “original” Beauty Blender the average replacement time would be 3 months. With the knock-off brands, I realized that those beauty blenders are a bit more prone to wear and tear and last me about a month.

I found that the material with the original Beauty Blender is made with higher quality material. It’s defiantly pricier but it does last longer.  I found Its softer than the other brands (Amazon’s beaky brand). I found that when I washed the cheaper branded sponges they were prone to more wear and tear than the original Beauty Blender.  Therefore, it all depends on the type of Beauty Blending sponges yours have purchased.  For more information on some of the different Beauty Blending sponges please check the review section.

How to blend liquid foundation with a Beauty Blender?

Once the Beauty Blender sponge is soaked and rinsed with water and has expanded and ready to use. The best way I found to apply my foundation was to apply 2-3 drops of foundation on either the back of my hand or on a pallet, I then take the beauty blending sponge and dip it into the foundation and start stamping and pressing the foundation into my skin.

Beauty Blenders are usually had unique egg shape which I found the bottom part of the beauty blending can be used all over the face along the side of the Beauty Blender. The pointed part of the Beauty Blender covers under the eyes or the side of the nose. The same stamping motion will press the foundation into the skin.

You will find the Beauty Blender will thin out the foundation with its wet consistency and gives the finish of most foundations a dewy type of look. The coverage of a foundation depends on the formulation.  If you find that the Beauty blender has thinned out the foundation you can always go in for a second layer for additional coverage.  I wrote about the original beauty blender that works well with liquid foundations over here. 

How to clean a Beauty Blender?

If you own any Beauty Blending sponges you will know how difficult it can be to try to clean the stains. After alot of research trying to find out how to clean my beauty blending sponges, I found several ways of cleaning them that worked well for me.

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Bar of soap:

Step 1: Run your Beauty Blender under warm water and let it expand

Step 2: once the Beauty Blender has expanded rub it into a bar of soap (Irish Spring) until the Beauty Blender has lathered up in the soap and begin to squeeze all the makeup out.

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 3: Rinse continuously until all the soap suds are out and the water is running clear

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 4: repeat steps 2-3 until there are no stains and the Beauty Blender runs clear underwater

Step 5: Squeeze Beauty Blender into a dry towel and leave it to dry in a well-circulated are

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Beauty Blender Liquid Blender Cleanser Soap:

This soap can be used to clean both the Beauty Blender and makeup brushes.  This method is probably the easiest and less time-consuming way of cleaning a Beauty Blender.

Step 1: Soak your Beauty Blender in water

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 2: take a bowl of warm water and add Beauty Blender Liquid Blender Cleanser in the bowl of warm water

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 3: Soak the Beauty Blender in the water overnight

Step 4: The makeup should’ve settled and made its way to the side of the Beauty Blender

Step 5: Rinse out the excess make up out of the Beauty Blender under the water

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

DIY Cleaning Your Beauty Blender:

Another way you can clean your Beauty Blender is with some kitchen ingredients.

These are the following ingredients you would need:

Organic Coconut Oil– Which will help removed and break down stains on the Beauty Blender and is also known to have antifungal properties

Dawn Dish Soap: Which has antibacterial properties and helps deepen the clean the Beauty Blender

Step 1:  Warm up 1 tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 2: mix 1 tablespoon Dawn Dish Washing Soap with Coconut Oil until they have become one consistency

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 3: Wet your Beauty Blender

Step 4: Submerge your Beauty Blender into the liquid formulation until it lathers up

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

Step 5: Rinse out the liquid formulation from your Beauty Blender until it is clean

This formulation should be strong enough to remove all stains from your Beauty Blender.

How to clean your beauty blender instantly.

Another product I found that cleaned my beauty blender instantly was The Beauty Blender Instaclean spray. This spray cleans the beauty blender and brushes without having to use any soap or water.  The product comes in an aerosol.

How to clean the Beauty Blender Instaclean

Step 1  spray the product into the beauty blender or brush until it is saturated

Step 2 wipe off the dirty beauty blender onto a tissue (no water is required)

How To Make A Beauty Blender Softer

The beauty blender can be used right away without having to soak it in the water again and rinsing it.  I personally found that it does work, however, the spray is oil based so it breaks away and melts the makeup of the Beauty Blender.  If your afraid that it may make your skin oily then I personally would suggest rinsing the beauty blender under water. This product is a quick and easy way to get your brushes and beauty blenders clean instantly when you’re in a rush.

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